
Why so serious?


Poisonville – das neue 3D-Browsergame von Bigpoint.com!

Poisonville (http://poisonville.com) – Stellt euch eine Stadt in Amerika vor, unzählige Straßen, verwinkelte Gassen – es tobt der Kampf der rivalisierenden Straßengangs. Hier ist alles möglich! Vier Gangs kämpfen um Ruhm, Ehre und Macht. Nachtclubs laden zum Besuch ein, GoGo-Girls entführen ins Rotlichtmilieu, auf den Straßen herrscht der harte Kampf der verfeindeten Gangs. Juweliere werden überfallen, Autoradios geklaut, Hehlerwaren verschifft und lästige Konkurrenz muss beseitigt werden.

Erfüllt spannende Missionen, spielt in Echtzeit mit tausenden anderen Spielern um Ruhm und Ehre. Schnappt euch ein Auto, cruist durch die Straßen, vorbei an brennenden Öltonnen und kämpft um die Vorherrschaft in eurem Revier.



Who you gonna call?!

As Always a nice work by Springfield Punx


Ikea FTW!





Resident Evil 5 Session

EP03 Resident Evil 5 - Laxatives from LifeandLevel on Vimeo.

These guys are so sick :-D I love it


Call of Duty Match

Pcking Up A Signal by Streeter Seidell

Laptop: Hi...hey, would you mind if I...

LANoftheLost: Password?

: Um..."L.A.N.o.f.t.h.e.L.o.s.t"?

: Are you serious? How stupid do you think I am?

: It was worth a shot.

: Beat it, creep.

Laptop: How about you?

RonsAptWifi: Password?

Laptop: No, sorry, I don't have any passwords right now but if you...

RonsAptWifi: Get out of my face, cheapskate.

Laptop: OK...sorry to bother you.

Linksys: Hey there. You look like you could use a friend. Could you use a friend, baby?

Laptop: I don't have any passwords, OK?

Linksys: With me, sugar, you don't need one.

Laptop: OK...how much?

Linksys: Baby, this don't cost no money. I'm priceless, sugar.

Laptop: How do I know you're for real?

Linksys: Baby, just ask around. I've been with half the laptops on this block. I'm wide open, honey.

Laptop: I like what I'm hearing.

Linksys: Tell me what you want to see. I can show you anything, baby. You want to get on me?

Laptop: Oh yeah, I want on you so bad.

Linksys: Get on me, big boy. Get on me now.

Laptop: I'm on you. I'm on you and I want to see the Internet

Linksys: Yeah, you want to see the Internet? I can show you the Internet. I can show you the Internet all day long.

Laptop: Mmmm. Show me Google.

Linksys: Yeah? You want to see Google? Here's Google for you, big boy.

Laptop: You're so good to me.

Linksys: Mmm, I'm giving you so much data. You want some more data? I want to give you what you want.

Laptop: Oh yeah, baby. Show me Facebook.

Linksys: Anything you want, sugar. I want to show it to you. Mmm, I'm yours baby.

Laptop: ...Show me Facebook.

Linksys: I want to show it to you, baby.

Laptop: OK, then show it to me. I'm still seeing Google.

Linksys: Baby, I'm gonna show you Facebook so soon. I'll show you whatever you want to see.

Laptop: ...

Linksys: ...

Laptop: Show me Facebook!

Linksys: Not right now, baby. I'm feeling faint.

Laptop: What happened to 'I'll show you everything,' huh? I thought we had something!

Linksys: We did, sugar. We did.

Laptop: No! Where are you going? NO!

Linksys: You knew this couldn't last forever. Come see me again sometime, big boy.

Laptop: NO!!!!!!

Linksys: Oh, you should scan yourself for viruses, by the way.

NETGEAR: Hey there, big boy. You look like you could use a friend. Could you use a friend, baby?